Our Products and Services

We Aim To Go Beyond The Conventional Methods Of Quality Management With Our Transformational Approach To Existing Enigma.



Systematic Error Control Application (Seca)

SECA – A product by Heuristics Pharma Perceptions – is the world’s first cloud-based AI-enabled investigation and error control software designed exclusively for the pharmaceutical and allied industries. It consists of integrated modules that work together to support quality, compliance, and more efficient and effective error control decision-making.

Investigator Certifications & Tools

Lack of appropriate staff for Investigations is one of the biggest challenges in our industry. With Investigator certification, we help you develop specific skills and qualities in your employees to become effective investigators /error evaluation expert and solve your cases by using appropriate and modern tools, to avoiding recurrence.

Investigation Facilitation

Heuristics experts help you in failure investigation facilitation, root cause analysis and corrective actions can help your organization solve critical internal and external problems. When your company is in a situation that requires external help, Heuristics’ Root Cause Analysis experts can partner with your employees to identify and solve problems.

Investigations Backlog/ Swamped Staff

With rapid corporate growth your investigation team can get overwhelmed. We provide a temporary augmentation of your staff to help you complete investigations in a timely manner.

Retrospective Analysis of Existing Investigations

Heuristics team will assist you to go back in time and re-evaluate critical investigations for better actions to avoid repeated issues and comply with regulations.

Remediation Actions For Compliance

Our expert team is always ready to support you with any outcomes of an inspectional observations and manage all your CAPA needs as a part of post-inspection remediation.

External Support During Regulatory Inspections

Heuristics provides additional support during the regulatory inspections or external third-party audits to help you put the best presentation of your completed investigations and avoid any hassle during the critical discussions regarding investigations with other parties.

Help Getting Started

Newly trained investigators may need help with their first complex investigation. Get an expert coach to critique their initial root cause analyses and ensure they add value to your system.

Continuous Improvement

How do you improve your team’s Root Cause Analysis skills? We provide expert coaching to help sharpen your teams’ skills and continuously improve expertise in this area for better regulatory compliance.